
Monday, September 30, 2019

Factors to be considered when planning to fill a vacancy and carry out an interview Essay

The purpose of recruitment is too attract the best candidates for the job, and to then pick the most suitable. To make sure that the best person is picked Human resources will have to make sure that they are clear about†¦ * What the job entails * What qualities are required to do the job? * What rewards are needed to retain and motivate employees. If the wrong person is recruited and then finds the job too boring or difficult, then the business will not get the best out of its Human resources Department. It will also mean additional costs for the organisation because if the employee leaves because they are unsuitable they would have wasted money on training and will have advertise for their replacement. When filling a vacancy a number of things have to be considered. Before even thinking about filling the job vacancy the organisation needs to carry out a job analysis. The job analysis is a study of what the job entails. It contains skills, training and tasks that are needed to carry out the job. The reason why the organisation needs to recruit to fill the vacancy is a very important aspect to consider, because the person in the job before may have been unhappy. To prevent this from happening again managers can set up exit interviews with the previous employee to see if they are able to improve the job. Are records of Past Employees available? Records of past employees would also be a good thing for any organisation to have because then the business may be able to hire someone who has worked for them before this would save induction and training costs. Whether or not the organisation recruits internally or externally is an important factor to consider. If the organisation recruits internally†¦ * Savings can be made, and individuals with inside knowledge of how the business operates will need less time for induction and shorter periods of training. * The organisation is unlikely to be disrupted by someone who is used to working there. * Internal promotion acts will act as a motivator to other members of staff within the organisation. * From the organisation’s point of view, they will be able to asses the strengths and weaknesses of an insider, however there is always a risk attached to hiring an outsider who may only prove to be good on paper. The disadvantages to recruiting internally are that†¦ * You will have to replace the person who has been promoted. * An insider may be less likely to make criticisms of the business to get the organisation working in a more effective way. * Promotion of one person is an organisation may upset another. Has the appropriate Recruitment documentation been drawn up? Recruitment documentation is another important aspect this includes the job description, person specification, advertisements and interview sheets. Job Description Purpose The job description needs to include the job title, responsibilities and a simple description of the role and duties of the employee within the organisation. To make sure that the job description is up-to-date a job analysis should be carried out. The Job Description has a number of uses†¦ * It tells the candidates for a job what is expected of them. * It helps personnel officers to compare the job description with the candidate. * The Job Description can be used as a gauge to see whether or not the employee is doing the job properly, by comparing their activities with the job description. * Arguments about what the employee has to do can be settled by looking at the job description. The job description is a means of communication between the organisation and candidate to maximise relevance of potential applicants. Person Specification The purpose of a person specification is to outline the type of applicant the business is looking for. The person specification also gives potential applicants the chance to match themselves against the specification. The organisation needs to know the type of person they are looking for this can be set out in the person specification. The person specification sets out the mental and physical attributes, which will be needed for the job. A person specification is used so the prospective candidates know what qualities they should have and what is expected from them. It can also be called upon in an interview situation where the employer can match the candidate to the person specification and the position. Advertisement Job advertisements are an important aspect to the recruitment process. An organisation is able to advertise job vacancies to a selected audience through their job advertisements. Advertisements must reach the people who have the qualities needed to fill the vacancy. The nature of the advert will depend on†¦ * The target audience – managers, supervisors, retail assistants etc. * Where the advert will be placed – on a notice board in a local or national newspaper, etc. A good job advertisement will provide prospective candidates with information and will also discourage people who are not qualified for the vacancy. The way in which the vacancy is advertised will be different is the job is being advertised internally or externally. If the job is being advertised internally it will be most likely to be advertised on the staff notice board or in the jobs bulletin, however if the job is being advertised externally it is more likely to be advertised in a newspaper. Interview Assessment Form In an interview assessment form the areas for evaluation are usually†¦ * Physical appearance and deportment – Does the candidate have the right image suited to the advertised post? * Attainments – What experience and qualifications that they have meet the needs of the post. * General Intelligence * Special Aptitudes – What skills does the candidate have which relates to the job for example foreign languages or knowledge in the latest software package. * Personality/disposition Another factor of recruitment, which needs to be considered, is the legislation, which affects it. If the organisation does not comply with the set legislation then the individual responsible will be taken to court or the industrial tribunal. To avoid legal action an organisation will make sure that the recruitment criteria are made clear and that any terms of employment are made obvious to the candidate. The organisation needs to make sure that its company policy and practice comply with the relevant legislation. A number of the laws affecting the recruitment process are†¦ * Disabled Persons (Employment) Act 1958 This deals with an obligation on firms of more than twenty employees to employ disabled people up to at least three per cent of the workforce. * Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and ’84 This deals with the prohibition placed upon job advertisers to discriminate against women in advertising or conditions of service. * Race Relations Act 1980 and 1982 This is the outlawing of discrimination against employees because of their race, colour or ethnic origin. After the vacancy has been filled, the Human Resources department needs to be sure that they leave enough time for vetting and background checks if the job requires this for example any jobs involving children. If this is not dealt with effectively the organisation will be in the position of having an empty vacancy until they are completed.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Advanced Research Writing Essay

The topic of online education, specifically relating to teaching writing in a distant learning environment was covered by Professor Kate Kiefer. Kiefer is a Professor and Writing Integration Coordinator at Colorado State University. She has a PH.D in rhetoric from Carnegie Mellon University and has written numerous published articles, including three textbooks. In the book â€Å"Brave New Classrooms†, Professor Kiefer writes a chapter titled, â€Å"Do Students Lose More Than They Gain In Online Classrooms?† Professor Kiefer tackles the difficult questions of just how much are students getting out of online writing classes. What is the goal of an online student? Kiefer clearly has an issue with distance education and voices her opinion of its inferiority to a classroom environment. Her numerous assertions of distance learning students not getting the complete education experience must be taken for what it is, an instructor’s point of view and not a student’ s. Online education is becoming more prevalent every day, because not everyone has the time or funding to get to and from a college campus. This method should be embraced by instructors and not talked down on, simply because there is no other option for so many. Professor Kiefer wholeheartedly states in her article, that she believes taking an online writing class is inferior to a traditional structured classroom environment. She states that she is not in the majority on this issue, but she speaks of the many difficulties that face a student and teacher online. One of Professor Kiefer’s most adamant points against online writing classes is the true lack of interaction a student can have. She talks of how so many online classrooms have students who do not participate and do only what is needed to pass the class. Kiefer suggests that on-line classes are often full of students who are looking to check a box and get that next check mark, which will take them to finish line and a degree. She also states how not having peer to peer interaction robs the online student of so much valuable education. In a writing class it is pivotal she states to have your fellow  students peer review your work and not just have the teacher looking at your assignment. She covers the issue of how universities are trying to add more and more students online, because when it all boils down to it, money is what they are after. Professor Kiefer goes over a few ideas of how to make an online writing class better, such as requiring participation in discussions, but eventually she feels that online instruction in writing classes, leave the student short of what a teacher would like them to learn in a class. Professor Kiefer is very adamant on the loss of personal interaction in online writing classes and how it diminishes the importance of personal interaction, which to some extent is very true. In a recent article published by the â€Å"Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks†, documenting over 125 traditional face to face classes, it found â€Å"very strong support for the existence of a community of inquiry that is shared within each class section†. (Fernandes, Oct 2013) While It may be almost impossible to capture the same type of peer to peer interaction in a distance learning course compared to a traditional classroom, the study does not take into account that many online students have a network of support they are able to bounce ideas off of. While the journal study names student networking as a weakness to online classrooms, it does not really mention the fact that many physical classroom environments have students that do not want to participate. Professor Kiefer also addresses the high dropout rate of online students. This makes me wonder if the dropout rate is due to non-flexibility within the school offering the classes of if it is students just not taking it seriously. A recent study published in â€Å"Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks† by the Dean of Online Education at Dallas Baptist University noted that â€Å"their university offers thirty-four online degree programs and Dallas Baptist University has maintained a 92% cou rse completion rate† (Shelton, Oct 2009). I would have liked to have seen professor Kiefer give the standard dropout rate of traditional classroom students at a university. It is very possible that online education is still in such an evolving state, that there are many different factors leading to a high dropout rate. Many schools have not properly trained their faculty in correctly dealing with online education, while some of it is definitely the daily lives of online students that get it in the way. Professor Kiefer makes many valid points on her topics, however the reasons  she gives regarding why students take online courses, are the exact reasons they must continue. People with jobs and forty hour work week can’t take time out to drive to the university every day. Online classes have been going for a number of years now, but it is still in its infancy compared to classroom instruction. There are still so many ideas created each day that can make this learning environment better. Professor Kiefer makes a good argument regarding the negative impacts of online writing classes, but the reason we have online classes to start with are why they can’t stop. The goals of online students are the same as other students, they want to better their lives and further educate themselves. That lifeline cannot be taken away, because there are doubts about its effectiveness. It is up to everyone to keep making strides and improving the experience of online education. Bibliography Fernandes, B. R. (Oct 2013). Measuring the Community in Online Classes. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 17(3), pp 115-136. Kiefer, K. (2007). Do Students Lose More than They Gain in Online Writing Classes? In Brave New Classrooms. (Vol. 37, pp. 141-151). New York, NY: Peter Lang USA. Shelton, K. (Oct 2009). Does Strong Faculty Support Equal Consistent Course Completion?: It Has for Dallas Baptist University. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 13(3), pp 63-66.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Status of Women in Ancient Times

The Status Of Women In Ancient Times Throughout the years, women have had to fight for the right to gain independence and freedom. They have been through good times and bad, but through all of it women have won respect and responsibility for themselves. In the times of Ancient Egypt, women had many more rights than other places. Inheritance and property were important to them. The status of women in Mesopotamia was as simple as a contract, and men were their priority. The Napoleonic Code and the Sharia Law were degrading and difficult.It is important that we reflect on what women have been through to learn for the future. In Ancient Egypt, women were mainly important for reproduction. Children were very important, and infertile women were divorced immediately. Marriage was a very important aspect, as it was almost considered a duty of the Egyptian people. It was also popular to marry cousins, brothers, and sisters considering family and dynasties were very important. If one was to be divorced it was a very private matter, but if they wanted, women could get divorced for any reason.The men were also free to marry as many women as they liked. Women could inherit their husbands belonging and property. They could give it to anyone or keep it, and many of the husband’s rules were written in his will. Women had a lot of rights in Ancient Egypt and that is very close to what we are today. In Mesopotamia, the rights for women were very different. The status of women in their marriage relied completely on a contract. The women were forced to stay with their husbands until he wanted to leave her, and there was nothing she could do if she was unhappy in the relationship.Once the husband divorced, they could not re-marry. Men dominated in every aspect, even the children. For women to have any inheritance or property it had to be in a written document. Some of the things women could do in Mesopotamian times were that they were able to buy and sell in the market place , and they could attend all legal matters. They could also conduct business on their property. The only reason why this was important though was because the men were lazy and wanted the women to work for them.The Napoleonic Code was a code in ancient times which also contained rules for women. The main aspect was that as long as men took care of the wives and protected them, the women had to have full obedience to their husbands. They had to ask to do anything and everything. There was no such thing as more than one marriage, because the only way a woman could divorce her husband was if they had grave or a severe injury. If the women committed adultery they would have three months in jail and a divorce, where as if the men committed adultery there was no punishment.The men were so powerful that if they were ever unhappy with their sons, they could get them arrested. The men had full use of the wife’s inheritance and property if she gave his approval, and it was very rare that she didn’t. Also, if anyone else wanted their inheritance, they would have to sue the owner of the inheritance. The husband managed the dowry completely, but had to give the wife one thing per year for maintenance or personal need. The only right the wife had was that she could make her will without the consent and authority of her husband.Lastly, the Sharia Law was unfair to women as well. The major inequality that is noticeable is that the Muslim men could marry non-Muslim women, but Muslim women could not marry non-Muslim men. Also the men could divorce their wives but he had to pay an already agreed sum of money that was established before the marriage. Women could onluy divorce men if they were infertile, insane, had leprosy or some other skin desease. The men had full power over the children, yet the mother could only have power over them if they were too young to part from their mothers.The worst part of the Sharia Law was that the men were given right under the Quran to hit their wives. The only right the women had were rights to inheritance, and the right to make a will. Researching all about the status of women in ancient times makes me so grateful to live the way we do today. Women should not be treated like objects or property. For a man to be able to hit a woman is so shocking to me. I believe that we should learn from our past world and know that we should not repeat some of the aspects of the law in ancient times again.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Impacts of Digital Technologies on the Political Economy of the Essay

The Impacts of Digital Technologies on the Political Economy of the United States Movie Industry - Essay Example On the other hand, new movies by established film producers draw attention even before they are officially released to the market. As a result, the independent film makers have resorted to digital technologies and social networking sites to promote and distribute their movies. Owing to the current situation, this research paper investigates the benefits and challenges which are experienced by independent film producers whenever they are using the latest digital technologies to promote and distribute their films to their fans. The paper would emphasize the impacts of digital revolution on the independent filmmakers’ ability to reach international consumers. The role of technology in the film industry cannot be ignored. Technology changed the operations and activities of the film industry in a major way, altering the way people interacted, the nature of the operations, and the marketing strategies for the films. However, the specific area of film affected has always been debatable with researchers focusing on the social aspects of the technological effects. Focus on the political aspect of the film industry environment is important as it helps create even more insights for the people. Kim et al 194 states that the digital technologies in the United States of America have enhanced communication and modernization in most of the sectors. In the film industry, the digital technology has yielded both positive and negative results in equal measure. Digital technologies have reduced the live shows for the films. Most of the films are bought on digital media instead of people attending the live shows (Kim et al 194). According to Kim et al 194, the purchase of the films on digital media is enhanced by a number of factors. First, the ability to produce digital storages like hard drives has enhanced the portability of the films making people to buy and use them in home appliances. More so, the development of digital transmission in the United States of America has

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Fitness Tracking Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fitness Tracking Study - Essay Example   As a person goes throughout their daily activities, the Fitbit logs this information. It logs data such as the estimated calories burned, the number of steps covered (distance covered), and the duration of sleep of its user. Many scientific studies have been done to ascertain the reliability and accuracy of the Fitbit. Mikel (2014) opines that the Fitbit was highly accurate in determining the number of steps taken by an individual.   However, Fitbit is not accurate when determining and measuring the distance covered.   Furthermore, it is not reliable in counting a number of calories burned.Each student in the fitness tracking study was required to collect data over a four-day period. The period of collection of data was not concurrent. The students were to collect data on the activity and food, which included continuing with their normal diet, free living and conducting a specified exercise treatment condition.   The data obtained by each and group was compared to the class data. The self-assessment aspect of this study interests me the most. My interest is peaked due to the opportunity of calculating one's overall health fitness.   Materials and Methods  The fitness tracking study follows a precise procedure to come up with data and figures from the Fitbit. The first step of the study begins with students wearing the Fitbit for four days in a twenty-four-hour cycle. The students log their food intake and sleep schedule in the databases.

The General Principles of Financial Management Essay

The General Principles of Financial Management - Essay Example Profit maximization is the main aim for which the whole organization put in efforts too but it not the only goal of the firm as discussed above. The change in the value of firm can be measured by the change in Earnings/Share which shows the per share return to investors. (Gitman, 2006) Managers and their co-workers can not only depend on the main aim of an organization which is to maximize its profits. It is because of the timing of the cash received is important as the t soon as it is received is better because of the concept of time value of money. Owners receive cash in form of dividend and hence higher EPS doesn’t necessarily mean that there will be an increase in dividends as managers may increase their own bonuses instead. Maximizing profit might result in more risky investments made and hence increasing the beta of the firm so profit maximization is not the only main goal of firm. (Gitman, 2006) Question#2: Total risk of any firm can be bifurcated into two categories: a ) Diversifiable risk b) Non-diversifiable risk The diversifiable risk is one that can be diversified by taking some crude actions and making sure that firm doesn’t lose anything as a whole. This is a kind of risk that is just specific to a firm such as fire at a warehouse. This type of risk can be diversified if special precautionary measures are taken and hence it is in control of the firm to reduce such kind of risk. The chances of fire at workplace can be reduced by placing special notifications at flammable spots in the factory and other working areas. Therefore, this kind of risk is usually referred to as firm-specific-risk or nonsystematic risk. The non-diversifiable risk is the one that is out of firms own control and affects all firms in the industry with the same effect on each of them. This kind of risk is not avoidable and hence no contingency planning can help any firm in this case. The example of this kind of risk is when government increases the tax rate of the firms, they all have to bear it and none can take any step to avoid such an alteration in law. Therefore these kinds of risks are known as market risk or unsystematic risk as well. Therefore it is said that if you can’t do anything about something you just bear with it and hence nonsystematic risk is usually considered to be irrelevant while making long-term decisions. (Niehaus, 1999) Question#3: Weighted marginal cost of capital is the cost of borrowing/financing next extra dollar. The graph that portrays the cost of capital of a firm can be used to identify WMCC. The graph shows the discount rate that is applicable at each point or dollar of financing that is required. Marginal cost of capital is the rate that the firm will pay in return to its financings achieved through a particular source. WMCC is weighted average cost of all the financings done by the firm through several sources like debt, preferred stock, common stock, debentures, loans etc. each financing activity ha s different cost attached to it like common stock bear high cost then debentures or bonds because the holders of common stock have the right to vote for the selection of board of directors and also bear a risk of not attaining anything in terms of dividends if the business make loss in any year. Bonds on the other hand have a fixed rate of interest that is to be paid to the bondholders at the end of every year regardless of the fact that business made any profit or not.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Individual Privacy vs. National Security Research Paper

Individual Privacy vs. National Security - Research Paper Example The importance of individual privacy vs. national security has attracted the interest of researchers from various academic fields. This is a broad research topic that requires to be narrowed down for it to become a manageable research topic (Sole, 2010). Narrowing down the topic to a manageable level was carried out in the first phase of the project. The second phase of the research involved discovering or finding relevant sources of information for the research topic. By an analysis of the research problem, the scope of the research project was established. The analysis of the problem established that the recent terrorist threats have contributed to the debate of personal privacy vs. national security. These findings led to the claim that national security could only be realized with limited flow of information. The research project aimed at establishing whether the proposed antiterrorism measures will compromise individual privacy. This paper therefore, analyzes how enhancing natio nal security has compromised individual privacy. The paper follows directly from the previous work on individual privacy vs. national security. Fighting terrorists are the responsibility of the federal government; however, the government has responsibilities towards its people. For the government to achieve an appropriate balance between the two responsibilities, it needs to consider their long-term implications. The federal government also needs to establish which issue is of considerable importance to the country. The assessment phase of the project proved that invasion of people’s privacy concerned the people more than issue of national security. This did not imply that people were ignorant on the security concerns in the country and about the recent terrorist threats. People have direct interests in individual privacy as compared to their interest on matters of national security. Unlike matters of national security, invasion of personal privacy has direct impacts on the p eople. During the assessment phase of the research project, it was established that the federal government considered national security more valuable than people’s privacy. This implies that the government lacked concerns over long-term implication of invading personal privacy in expense of fighting terrorism. According to the openness, privacy, and national security debate bulletin, the government needs to reconsider its actions (Hardin, 2003). It was established that the government took extreme measures to fight terrorism after the September 11, 2001 attacks. The government, therefore, needed to reconsider its actions by enhancing people’s privacy despite the immediate needs to fight terrorism. This is because the measures taken by the government to fights terrorism had more negativity and less positive impacts. The measure taken by the government was also unrealistic since terrorism cannot be eliminated overnight. The people are more beneficial to the country than n ational security. This is because national security is meant to improve people’s livelihood and, therefore the government should enhance national security according to the interests of the people. Personal privacy is of interest to the people and, therefore invasion of personal privacy should be of interest to the federal government. The American government has a duty to the people as well as the country. The government also has international objectives that the country must achieve. The position

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 16

Accounting - Essay Example First, there are numerous advantages of using marginal costing over absorption costing. It is easier to carry out the control and determination of production costs. This is through the management avoiding the arbitrary allocation of the fixed overhead costs thus having an achievement and maintenance of a uniform and marginal cost that is consistent (BANERJEE, 2006). Second, marginal costing helps in planning for short-term profit. This is through the easy demonstrations using the break-even charts and profit graphs. Unlike the absorption costing, comparative profitability can easily be assessed and hence be brought to the notice of the management so that there is decision making (Avis, 2009). Third, with the implementation of marginal costing, there is ready appreciation and assessment of the effects of the production policies and alternative sales. This ensures that there will be maximum yield to the business due to the decisions arrived. This gives it a notch higher than in using absorption costing (V., 2010). The method eliminates any large balances that are left in the overhead control accounts. This thus indicates that there is a difficulty in ascertaining the accurate recovery rate of overheads. With the elimination, it becomes easier to determine the accurate overhead rate of recovery (Drury, 2007). On the other hand, there are the disadvantages of using marginal costing over the absorption costing technique. First, there is difficulty in separating costs into the fixed and variable costs. This is because, in the long run, all costs are variable. Such classification may sometimes lead to misleading results to the cyber firm (Hill, 2012). Second, under the marginal costing, stocks and the work in progress are usually understated. The exclusion of fixed costs, especially from the inventory, affects the profit. With this, the true and fair view of the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Professional Accounting Skills For BusinessDecisions Essay

Professional Accounting Skills For BusinessDecisions - Essay Example Through the group works that I was a member, I developed the skills of being able to think deep in my presentations. The group members demanded that everyone has to contribute in the group works which made me to think deeply before making my contribution. This made it possible for me to give relevant contributions that were within the context of the topic. 2. Perceptual skill; perceptual skill is the skill of being able to interpret information presented to you. As a member of the module group, I was expected to interpret the topics that we were undertaking. Through my time in the group I developed the ability to interpret issues brought to me. This helped me in reading the questions to discuss and come out with an explanation on what we are supposed to cover. Thus, I developed the ability to illustrate problems we are supposed to work on from the assignments allocated. 3. Motor skill; motor skill is the ability to move and control muscle. As a group member I benefited in this skill as the group involved a lot of field work. There were assignments that involved getting to the field to learn practical experience covered in our module. Thus, I experienced a lot of movement in collection of information that were needed in compiling field work findings. Through this exercises I gained motor skills in movements and stretching muscles. 4. Perceptual motor skill; perceptual motor skill is the ability of being able to think, interpret and move at the same time. As illustrated above, the group work involved deep thinking in contributions. To be able to think in a relevant angle that is of benefit to the group, one had to be able to interpret the assignment the way it means. The experience I had with the class group exposed to a level of being able to interpret first correctly. This helped me in thinking in the right context of what is expected of us in order to make relevant contribution. Also, the group assignments involved getting to some practical experience in the g round field. Thus, in our field work learning it involved going to different work places to get what is involved in the real work (Healey, 2000). I gained in the skills of being able to move through various stations interpreting what is going on and thinking deeply on what needs to be improved on all at one. This was a great skill development that I gained from my time in professional accounting in decision making group works. To earn these skills, I underwent personal stage developments that shaped how I viewed the module, and follow it in my group work (Stewart and Joines, 1987). The personal stages that I went through are unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetence, conscious competence and unconscious competence (Lapworth and Sills, 2011). Personal stages; 1. Unconscious incompetence; unconscious incompetence is the stage where a person in a group has no knowledge of what of the problems and how to fix them. During my first encounter with the group I was assigned to, I had a difficult moment understanding the group. At this stage I had the feeling that there is something that something was amiss but I lacked the knowledge on to identify it and how to fix it. This involved problems that I faced involved lack of leadership that caused problems in arranging venue to hold discussion and share tasks. I felt that as a group we were not taking the right decision in

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Finance Essay Example for Free

Finance Essay Quiz 1 1. The raw fundamental data on the human genome cannot be patented but the genes and gene-based discoveries can. 2. The map of the human genome produced by Collins and his co-workers is available from the internet for free all over the world. In other words, the map of the human genome created by the HGP is a public good. 3. Celera genomics has no patent over the human genome. However, celera does have proprietary rights over its version of that genome. It is private good. Quiz 2 1. Any new idea applicable to the essential function of finance is termed a financial innovation. This is the loosest possible definition of financial innovation. Credit card automatic teller machines venture capital firms. 2. The distinguishing feature of ‘modern banking’ emerges from the financial innovation known as ‘securitization,’ namely: banks pool assets (from mortgages to car loans) and sell the repackaged assets. Securitized debt’ is one of the financial innovations at the heart of the financial crisis 2007-08, and refers to the creation of bonds of different seniority (known as ‘tranches’) that are fixed-income claims backed by collateral in the form of large portfolios of loans (mortgages, car loans, credit cards, etc.). 3. The CDSs are insurance contracts. The main function of the CDSs is to hedge against default. More specifically, the buyer of the CDS makes payments to the seller in order to receive protection. The buyer re ceives a payment if a credit instrument (for example, a loan or a bond) goes into default or in the case of a specified credit event such as bankruptcy. In particular, CDSs allow people to insure against the failure of new-fangled financial products. Quiz 3 1. Real A financial innovation that provides economically valuable benefits constitutes a real financial innovation. Concrete examples of real financial innovations are the Credit Card and the ATM. Nominal Nominal financial innovations are financial instruments that increase compensation without providing lasting economic benefits. Toxic A toxic (or economically malignant) financial innovation is a nominal financial innovation which singly or jointly with other financial innovations provokes a financial crisis. Sub-prime mortgage innovation. It is generally agreed that the sub-prime mortgage innovation in combination with other financial innovations and factors led to the financial crisis 2007-08, and thus, the sub-prime mortgage is an example of toxic financial innovation. Quiz 5 1. Risk means that we can compute the probability distribution of a particular event. For example, when you buy a lottery ticket there is ‘risk’ in the sense that you can compute the probability of winning a prize. Uncertainty means that the probability distribution of an event cannot be computed because there is not enough information. For example, suppose that you buy a ‘scratchy’ that offers among other prizes a maximum reward of $250,000 and that you want to compute the probability of winning this prize after one day of the release of the ‘scratchies.’ In this case, you experience ‘uncertainty’ because you have no way of knowing whether someone else has already won the maximum prize, and therefore, you cannot compute a unique probability of success. 2. The fundamental reason serving to account for the metamorphosis of risk into Knightian uncertainty can be easily understood: the investors (for example, mutual funds) who bought t he CDOs had no real comprehension of the size and location of the risks underlying these financial products. Quiz 6 1. The loosest possible definition of ‘shadow banking system’ is ‘the collection of financial institutions and activities that in some respects resemble banking activities but are subject to less regulation than commercial banks.’ 2. The investor lends $D for interest (i %) to the financial firm and requires collateral.The financial firm gives CDOs as collateral and agrees to recuperate the CDOs some time later for $E, where E = D +iD The preceding financial trade is known as ‘sale repurchase agreement,’ or briefly, ‘repo’ agreement

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Misunderstanding Within The Group Social Work Essay

Misunderstanding Within The Group Social Work Essay Abstract: Free riders are those who take the same credit of you without exerting efforts. They are present in many groups, but it depends whether they are known early or not. Also many guys tolerate with free riders if they were their friends, but work and friendship are separated things. Every group should have a communication way, where all the group members agree on. And no one says that I did not know or I did not get the message. And this is something we suffered from. And because there are many members in the group and everyone has his own business, everyone should be on time for the meeting. When any group want to choose their topic, they should choose it wisely because wrong choosing will cost them time and effort. Working like a team is better than working like a group, but team work requires discipline, which we lacked. The abilities within the group differ, but you should try to get the maximum from everyone. Interpersonal relationship is the social connection between the group memb ers which grow with time. Positive interpersonal relationship between group members leads the organization forward and to employees satisfaction. Organizations know interpersonal relationship effects, so they try to provide the appropriate working climate for it. The managers have influence on employees interpersonal relationship and he tries to make it positive of the benefits he can get from it. Group members working together at all times and seeking a common goal is working like a team. To have an effective team you need to work hard and combine the right people together. Team effectiveness is measured by the final outcome and employees satisfaction. Introduction: Group assignments provide postgraduate students with opportunities to improve their capabilities and demonstrate a professional behaviour. Personally, the group assignment is considered to be a valuable experiment that led me to write this reflective essay. The group assignment had a great impact on my skills as it had lot of benefits. I learned lot required behaviours from working with a diverse group. Group work differs from working individually as it involves an interaction with others that might result in conflict occurrence, misunderstanding and so on. There may be difficult times during group work, but a group member should be wise and help the group to pass those difficult times. I have relied on my diary notes captured after group meetings to write this essay to reflect reality. Although there is a distinction between friendship and work, I prefer to work with friends rather than people that I do not know. Effective cooperation among group members would be required at all tim es, so they can complete assigned work and deliver it in the best way with highest level of satisfaction. Free Riding: Free Riding is the absence of contribution and getting the benefit of that good. This view has been supported in the work of Marwell, Ames (1981). Before the module starts we knew that we had a group assignment and it must contain 4-6 individuals, so we were four friends knowing that we can make a group of friends only, but we have been thinking that if we entered two more participants it will be easier for us as everyone will write less and concentrate more on his points, and that will help us to concentrate on our other assignments also, but what we have been afraid of is that we may have two free riders who will make the work harder. From the first day that we have decided to meet at, we found that 3 of the group members were not there, so we were thinking about free riders and will we accept those free riders in our group because of the friendship we have. I and the present group members decided that this is work and we do not like to work hard and the free riders get the same cr edit. A personal experiment of being in a group with free riders made us insist of our situation that we do not want free riders in our group, as before the submission date they came with no work in their hand saying that we did not know what to do, so we have decided to work together all the time and to divide the work and everyone do his part, but we have a weekly meeting to ensure that there will be no one free riders. Discovering free riding before the grading is important, but detecting the free riding early is much better for the group to take the corrective action and to work all together and get those free riders involve in the work again (Free riding in group work Mechanisms and countermeasures, n.d.). Therefore, we decided to meet often so we can ensure that we are all walking on the right side. And we have asked the professor about the grading system and she said if you were the manager and you have free riders in your group, what you would do? And I was thinking of leav ing them behind as they will delay our work and make it harder, but if I must have them in my group I will give them specified tasks and ask them often about their progress with an evidence to ensure that they are really working and contributing with the group. Misunderstanding within the group: There was a misunderstanding regarding the time at the first meeting, as we have decided to meet at 11 am and then some of the group members changed the meeting time till 3 pm and they have said that we have sent a message on Facebook, but not all of the group members actually got the message, so we ended up blaming each other. I think that happened because we did not have that person who could take the responsibility to tell everyone about the exact time and if the time changed or there was any kind of change in plan, he would tell all the group members. Also, I think the existence of that kind of person in every group is important and will lead to a better performance and satisfaction from all the group members. Because of the misunderstanding, we have delayed our work for one more day as the members who came early had other plans to do at the time of the new group meeting appointment. Consequently, we have decided to have one communication channel for the group and it is doing a g roup chat on Facebook and everyone contributing in deciding the meeting time, so no one can have any kind of excuse of not attending the meeting. Meeting time: When we wanted to choose our meetings time, we were asking all the group members if that time was appropriate for them, because we wanted our meetings to be on time. The thing that happened was that I am there on time, but I had to wait at least an hour and half for the group meeting to start, because the members were always late. I waited and we did our meeting, but I was frustrated because of the late start. I have told them many times to choose the right time that they will be there and they have apologized for their lateness and promised to be on time for the next time. The same lateness behaviour had reoccurred as usual in which late members were acting normal, but the other group members were frustrated and complaining. The other group members had cool nerves and sometimes they have just waited others for an hour and a half to let us complete the work. I think this has affected our group performance, as if we were committed to the meeting time we would have done better in the g roup assignment. Improper Subject Selection: At the first we have choose Bloomberg as our subject because there was a Bloomberg guy who came and talked well about Bloomberg and we all found that the subject is very interesting, so we have decided to write about it. Therefore, we have decided on the points that we are going to talk about and that everyone would come back after 3 days with the information about Bloomberg. Apparently, no one has written a thing when the meeting day came and we were all complaining that there was not much available information. Therefore, our improper selection of the subject has led us to a waste some time. Team or Group?: I knew the difference between the team and the group from prof. Sally Sambrook, as she told us that working as group is discussing the points together, distributing the tasks and then everyone do the work individually. In the other hand, working as a team is doing everything together from discussing the points till the end of work. We tried to work as a team because it is more effective and creative than working individually, but the continuous absenteeism and lack of commitment of members in the meetings made it difficult, so we decided to work as a group. In addition, we decided to distribute the tasks in a way that please and satisfy everyone, so we wrote down the tasks and every one chose his favourite task that he would be interested to write about. Individual differences: There were individual differences in the abilities of the group members, as when we met to see and assess everyoneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s work we found that some members of the group have covered their tasks perfectly while other group members made it difficult because we had to modify their work. My point of view is that I do not consider them free riders because they have tried and I could feel that they made an effort on their tasks, but the abilities within the group are different. Moreover, I suppose that their aim is just to pass while other group members who wanted to have a good grade in the assignment. We found the module is interesting and easy, so there is nothing to prevent us from having A* while others saw it impossible, so there were different aims within the group. Members with high ambitions did not get disappointed from others and have worked very hard. These members with all honesty have gained my respect and gave me a lesson for life that I can do everything even if t he group members are reflecting discouragement and laziness. If you want anything and you work for it very hard, you will achieve it. Interpersonal relationship and team effectiveness: What is an interpersonal relationship? Interpersonal relationship is a strong social connection between two or more people. There are many types of interpersonal relationships, but what we care about is the organizational interpersonal relationship which is the relationship between individuals working together in the work place. They spend a lot of time in the work and for sure they want to talk and discuss their issues with others rather than working alone all the time and that is a natural part of the working environment. Also, there may be a previous relationship between the individuals before working together and this helps the relationship to expand. We as students knew each other before the group assignment, but within the group work we came closer and worked together for longer hours. I think that I have a stronger relationship with them now, after the group work. I would prefer working with them again rather than working with a new group members that I do not have any kind of relationship with them (Management stu dy guide, [online], n.d.). Do interpersonal relationships affect the performance of the individuals? There are many beneficial outcomes for individuals and organizations because of the positive interpersonal relationship at work. Employees can feel job satisfaction and commit to their work because of their positive interpersonal relationship within their workplace. In the other hand, a negative interpersonal relationship could affect the employees and make them upset, and that will lead to lack of commitment towards their work. Obviously, it depends on the individual himself whether he was a social person and like to communicate and interact with the others or he likes to work individually and isolated from the others. A positive interpersonal relationship within the organization will build a supportive and innovative working climate for the employees, which will lead to an increase in the organizational productivity and institutional participation, and that will lead to employees satisfaction (Dachner, 2011, Abstract). In our group work there was a positive interpersonal relationsh ip which have made the work easier and more interesting. Furthermore, we were friends and knew each other before the group work, so it helped us a lot. It is interesting to have friends working together and it would form a comfortable working climate which can help to improve the performance and encourage the members to work hard. In the other hand, friendship in the group can make the members lazy; as they know that if they do not do their work; their friends will not leave them behind and will do their work. Our group had agreed from the beginning to isolate friendship from group work because we did not want the group members to keep depending on the others to do their own work. In my opinion, working with group members that I have a positive interpersonal relationship with them is much easier than working with new groups. Also, from my previous experiment of working with members that I do not know, I can say that there is a risk of being in a group with members who do not care ab out the grades they get, so you find yourself obligated to do their work. How could the organization build a positive interpersonal relationship? The variety of the advantages of the positive interpersonal relationship within the organization has encouraged organizations to build, support, and try to form a strong positive interpersonal relationship. The organization attempts to make the coworkers to become friends, because coworkers with friendship help each other more than normal coworkers. Besides, the organization helps the workers to communicate and work together in groups or teams to build a positive interpersonal relationship in order to provide the appropriate working climate for the workers to communicate and interact with each other. Moreover, the theories propose that demographic characteristics affect social relationship between individuals (Dachner, 2011, Antecedents of Interpersonal Relationships at Work). Consequently, organization could form group works with individuals who share the same demographic characteristics. Our assignment group consists of people from India, China, and I am from Kuwait, but it was eas y to work with them because we all shared the same goal and were working for the same purpose. I think that it depends on the person himself if he wants to make friends with his group and try to help them with their work or he just want to do his part and leave. How the management could affect the interpersonal relationship? Managers want the employees to be friends, help each other, and work together so they can get the most of their performance. Managers could give them the opportunity to socialize and encourage them to be friendly with each other and become friends. There are two influences that managers could have on employees interpersonal relationship. The first is direct and it is forming groups and giving them the chance to work together and compete with other groups which can provide a healthy competition for the organization. The second is indirect and it is giving them appropriate working condition, and not to give them a lot of work that they do not have the time to interact with others (Department of Public Health Sciences, 2010) 2.1 interpersonal relationship at work. A Team in an organizational point of view: A team in an organizational setting is a group of individuals whose tasks are done by working together, who share outcomes responsibility, who consider themselves and are considered by others as a unit inside the organization, who work together at all the times, help each other, and correct each others mistakes to increase the efficiency and improve the quality of the teams outcome, because they are all sharing the responsibility of the final outcome (Cohen, Bailey, 1997). As individuals who worked together for the assignment, although we shared the responsibility for the final outcome, we were not working together at all the time. If we worked as a team, it would have been better than working as a group but the conditions hindered us from working together as a team. Team effectiveness: Teams with high performance need to be developed and nurtured, as they do not just appear without working hard on them. The development of these teams cannot be guaranteed even with visionary leaders. Because if you want to have a high performance team, you should combine visionary leaders and motivated team members. There are many characteristics that help to build a high performance team such as, having a clear plan and a common goal, utilizing teams resources, valuing the differences in the team and trying to get the best from each member, the willingness of the members to give their best for their teams, managing the meetings in the perfect way, and exerting the efforts to achieve the goals. Also there are other things that affect the high performance teams and it is the teams size, the abilities and the skills within the team, the way of communication, and the conflict resolution (Cliffs Notes, n.d.). I agree that high performance teams needs co-operative and hardworking members . Also it requires the commitment from the team members, especially in the meetings time, because we suffered a lot from the members who were always late on our meetings. Measuring the teams effectiveness: As the team members work together all the time with shared responsibility of the final outcome, it is hard to evaluate each members contribution to the work. The manager wants and sees the final outcome only regardless whoever contributed more to the work. The effectiveness of the team is measured by performance and personal outcomes. Measuring the final product, customer satisfaction, items sold, etc. are all kind of performance outcome measurement. While measuring team members commitment and satisfaction and their desire to work with the same team members again is kind of personal outcome measurement. Hence, the grade that we will get in the group essay is the performance outcome, while if I wish to work with the guys that I have worked with again is the personal outcome. In my opinion, our group works both the performance outcome and the personal outcome was excellent. Conclusion: In conclusion working in a group assignment has many advantages and make you learn a lot of things, but everyone should try to get the maximum benefits that he could get. I can say that the group work made me better prepared for the real practical world. Although I had many hard times during the group work, it was interesting and earned me some good friends for lifetime. It was exciting to work with my friends in a group assignment and to help each other trying to get the maximum grade. After reading a lot about the interpersonal relationship and team effectiveness, I realized its importance in the work place and it really affects any organisation, and that is why every organisation is keen on it. Working in a group is totally different from working individually, as working in a group imposes you to respect the group members and their opinions even if these opinions conflict your own opinions, but if you are working alone you are the decision maker. That is the difference that I knew from working in the group assignment and the individual assignment. Finally, working in a group has many benefits that contribute in refining the personality of the participants and often better than the individual work and this is what I had concluded from my personal experiment in the group work.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Popularity Of Air Travel Tourism Essay

The Popularity Of Air Travel Tourism Essay The Wright brothers penned their names down in history when they built the first airplane which flew for 12 seconds. Thirteen years later, in 1936; the first passenger aircraft was produced with a capacity of 21 passengers. Since then, commercial flying has become a reality. However, it was a harsh reality because only an elite group of rich people had access to this luxurious life. In 1971, the first low budget airline, American company Southwest was launched. With the introduction of budget airlines into the market, flying became available to people of every class in society. The demand for air travel skyrocketed and the industry flourished. Thus, it is safe to say that rather than causing harm to the environment by contributing to global warming, the industry brings huge benefits in economical and social aspects and its presence is very much needed and welcomed in the travel sector. Throughout this essay, the term airline industry will be more commonly used than the term budget airlines as low cost airlines only represent a small fraction of the airline industry, not the whole industry. By looking at the bigger picture of the entire aviation industry, the impacts of the industry can be evaluated at a larger scale. Therefore, the overall impact of airlines on the environment and its benefits will be discussed rather than the effects of budget airlines alone. This essay will also focus on the airborne environment which comes more in contact with airline industry. Beginning with the industrial revolution, air transport has gained popularity because it saves international travel time as transportation becomes a basic necessity. As a result, environmentalists argue that the airline industry no doubt highly contributes to carbon dioxide emission into the atmosphere as one of the fastest-growing sectors given the extra boost from budget airlines. The Environmental Protection Agency shows that in 1997, the U.S. aviation emitted carbon dioxide which was roughly comparable to the carbon emissions of certain industrialised countries (General Accounting Office 2000). Carbon dioxide gas is emitted as a by product of the burning of aviation fuel. As the main greenhouse gas, excessive amount of emissions cause global warming to rise at an alarming state. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicts the worldwide temperature to increase from 34.7 to 40.1 degrees between 1990 and 2100 (Bowe, Hartley OConnor 2004). The increase in Earths te mperature brings about a chain of events, such as ice sheets and glaciers thawing, sparking a rise in sea levels and successive coastal flooding. In addition, the occurrence of tropical infectious diseases might increase in moderate climates. On the other hand, it is affirmed by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) that the carbon dioxide vented by aircrafts actually only rationalise for a small 3.5 percent of the worldwide emission, even less by the budget carriers. This contrasts with 41 percent for other industrial sources and 23 percent for other transportation sources (General Accounting Office 2000). Moreover, aircraft experts are taking on the responsibility to minimise the negative impacts of aeroplanes. Giovanni Bisignani, director general of the IATA, claims commercial air travel has made much bigger steps in its environmental impact reduction than any other form of transport (Wastnage,J 2007), by using cleaner aircrafts, new fuels and introducing more sustai nable technologies. Thus, the industry cannot be solely accountable for global warming. On the contrary, airlines pose huge positive implications on the travel industry and economy as a whole. Low cost carriers pilot the industry to act as a catalyst for employment in other sectors such as tourism. A total of 7.7 million direct occupations in global tourism and 6.0 million indirect professions in sectors providing to tourism are estimated to be sustained by the spending of international tourists reaching by air, amounting to about USD 90 billion a year to global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) based on the Air Transport Action Groups (ATAG) report in 2008. Just as air travel is a vital component of tourism, tourism is in turn essential for economic growth. For example, in Africa, 25% of all tourism careers, an estimated 1.5 million occupations are supported by overseas visitors arriving via air (ATAG 2008). Giovanni Bisignani states in 2005 that tourism directly accounts for up to 50% of GDP in Pacific Air Travel Association (PATA) countries, and in Maldives, the sector ac counts for 80% of the economy. Hence, the sector holds a vital role in facilitating the growth of travel and tourism which are key factors in the increasingly globalised world economy. From a different perspective, this essay also takes into consideration a key group of stakeholder in the travel industry, the tourists themselves. Based on ATAGs 2008 report, travel and tourism provide substantial consumer welfare and social benefits. The existence of the air transport industry itself is a manifestation of consumer welfare where the demand to travel globally using a safe and fast mode of transportation is met. Looking beyond that, with budget airlines leading the way in making international travel readily accessible via cheaper tickets, a broader choice of holiday destinations are made available. As local standards of living improve, international air travel from India, China and other surfacing markets is raising swiftly (ATAG 2008). This means that tourists are no longer limited to regional holiday destinations. Travelling halfway around the globe becomes more common now than ever before. This provides freedom to travel and it facilitates the exchange of cultural a nd learning experiences. By being exposed to different cultures while abroad, many experiences are broadened while the understanding of other cultures increases. Both of these result in the improvement of quality of life and aid in better international integration. Moreover, the expansion of multicultural societies is supported when airlines, especially budget airlines provide an affordable mean for immigrants to visit their friends and family back home and vice versa. For that reason, inexpensive flights would ensure a raise in the quality of life. As a whole, while budget airlines and airlines do contribute to many environmental issues, the percentage to involvement is relatively small and according to Philip Murray Condit, former CEO of Boeing, it is the most environmentally friendly way to travel. Comparatively, the airline sector provides jobs for millions resulting in the rise of global economy. Socially, airlines induce the popularity of international travel and enhance cultural knowledge in order to foster better intergovernmental ties. Overall, budget airlines as part of the industry plays an active role in the society, generating profitable gains for everyone while planning ahead to reduce its negative impacts. Bottom line, the airline industry, not forgetting the budget airlines are meant to stay for years to come. (1111 words)

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Tormented Genius of Edgar Allan Poe Essay -- Literary Analysis

It has been said that one cannot be truly great till they have experienced hardship. This, perhaps, is the reason that Edgar Allan Poe is thought to be one of the greatest story tellers in all of history. His life was not sprinkled with tragedy, but completely drowned in it. From the beginning of Poe’s life till the very end, he was, according to The Haunted Man by Phillip Lindsay, â€Å"born to live in nightmares† and that Poe’s life â€Å"might [as] well have been one of [Poe’s] own creations (Lindsay 2).† Death, hardship, and betrayal followed him wherever he travelled, causing him to become a depressed alcoholic along the way. It is widely believed by literary critics that â€Å"had he not been this tortured creature seeking a coffin for a bridal-couch he would not have written the extraordinary and sometimes great tales that he did write (Lindsay 2).† Poe’s traumatic experiences with death, disease, and the people around him helpe d to shape two of his most famous stories: â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death† and â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† In Poe’s story â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death†, the characters cannot escape death, no matter how hard they try, in the same way that Poe and the people he loved could not escape. In the story, the prince Prospero’s kingdom is overwhelmed with â€Å"the red death†, much like Poe’s life was ravaged by tuberculosis. The prince attempts to lock out the disease by hiding away in his castle, avoiding it for several months, only to still be claimed by it at the end, brought in by an unwelcomed guest. Likewise, When Poe’s wife Virginia was in the worst of her sickness, they moved, hiding away in warmer weather with the vain hope that she would somehow survive. The red death is a disease much like tuberculosis in its sy... ....'" Literature Resource Center. Studies in Short Fiction 30.2, 1993. Web. Hutchisson, James M. Poe. Jackson: University of Mississippi, 2005. Print. Kalasky, Ed. Drew. The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe. Vol. 22. Literature Criticism Online. Web. Lawrence, D.H. "The Fall of the House of Usher." Short Story Criticism. Vol. 22. 289-93. Literature Criticism Online. Web. Lindsay, Philip. The Haunted Man; a Portrait of Edgar Allan Poe. New York: Philosophical Library, 1954. Print. May, Charles E. Edgar Allan Po: A Study of the Short Fiction. Vol. 28. New York: Twayne, 1991. Print. Twayne's Studies in Short Fiction Ser. Patterson, R. "Once upon a Midnight Dreary: The Life and Addictions of Edgar Allan Poe." CMAJ.JAMC. 15 Oct. 1992. Web. Poe, Edgar Allan, and Philip Van Doren Stern. The Portable Edgar Allan Poe. New York: Penguin, 1973. Print.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The English Bildungsroman Essay -- Literature Essays Literary Criticis

The English Bildungsroman      Ã‚  Ã‚   The novel has a strong tradition in English literature. In Great Britain, it can trace its roots back to Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe in 1719 (Kroll 23). Since then, the British novel has grown in popularity. It was especially popular in Victorian England. The type of novel that was particularly popular in Victorian England was the novel of youth. Many authors of the time were producing works focused on the journey from childhood to adulthood: Charlotte Bronte wrote Jane Eyre, George Eliot wrote The Mill on the Floss, and Charles Dickens wrote David Copperfield and Great Expectations. All of these novels trace the growth of a child. In this respect, some of the most popular novels of the nineteenth century were part of the genre called the Bildungsroman. In the simplest sense of the word, a Bildungsroman is a novel of the development of a young man (or in some cases a young woman). In fact, the Webster's College Dictionary definition of Bildungsroman is "a novel dealing with the education and development of its protagonist". The Bildungsroman as a genre has its roots in Germany. Jerome Buckley notes that the word itself is German, with Bildung having a variety of connotations: "portrait," "picture," "shaping" and "formation," all of which give the sense of development or creation (the development of the child can also be seen as the creation of the man) (13-14). Roman simply means "novel." The term Bildungsroman emerged as a description of Goethe's novel Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre. This was the first Bildungsroman, having been published between 1794 and 1796 (Buckley 9). The word "lehrjahre" can be translated as "apprenticeship" (Buckley 10). "Apprenticeship" has many connotations, mos... ...sroman. It is these differences precisely that make each novel its own story. After all, even though every person's story is different, they must all go through stages of development in order to reach maturity and find their personal niche within the larger world. The basic formula of the Bildungsroman is universal and especially appropriate to the growing world of the Victorian age where the kind of opportunities presented to the hero of the Bildungsroman echoed the actual experiences of those growing up in that era. Works Cited "Bildungsroman." Webster's College Dictionary. New York: Random House, 1996. Buckley, Jerome Hamilton. Season of Youth: The Bildungsroman from Dickens to Golding. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1974. Kroll, Richard. "Defoe and Early Narrative." Columbia History of the British Novel. Ed. John Richetti. New York: Columbia UP, 1994.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Stress affects teenagers

Stress affects adolescents about every twenty-four hours. Many feel stressed-out when they have a trial, occupation, or excessively many activities. It can even be caused from something every bit little as siting a roller coaster. Goals and challenges are the chief cause because they are thought to be difficult to finish. Stress is a well-known trigger for depression and can besides impact physical wellness. It is of import to place the causes of emphasis in a adolescent ‘s life and seek to minimise them. Stress, no affair if it is little or large, occurs in adolescents ‘ lives today. Stress is the uncomfortable feeling of holding force per unit area and it can be caused from many events. The chief causes of emphasis in a adolescent ‘s life semen from school, work, activities, friends, and household. There are two signifiers that it comes in. The first signifier is called acute emphasis, which lasts for a short period of clip. This can be caused from losing the coach, contending with a friend, or giving a address in school. Another sort of emphasis is chronic emphasis, which is long-run emphasis. Examples include repeated battle in school, illness/disability, or an unlogical fright ( highs, bugs, etc ) . Most adolescents begin with acute emphasis and so bit by bit experience overwhelmed, which develops into chronic emphasis. The causes of stress come with both internal and external effects. It depends on the individual, but the internal effects include anxiousness, crossness, and nervousness. External effects include take a breathing faster, sudating, musculuss straining, dry oral cavity, keener senses, and deficiency of energy, concerns, and illness. A stressed individual tends to hold problem paying attending and have problem remembering facts. A individual who is ambitious or a perfectionist additions emphasize more frequently. All of this can do a individual to acquire into battles and lose friends. There is a procedure in the organic structure that takes topographic point when emphasis occurs. First, a endocrine called epinephrine combines with epinephrine, which causes an â€Å" adrenaline haste † . The endocrines and chemicals cause the organic structure to increase blood force per unit area and bosom rate. These responses prepare the organic structure to cover with and retrieve from a physical onslaught. The organic structure besides suppresses the production of other chemicals to assist increase protective responses. If the encephalon ne'er puts its guard down, it develops chronic emphasis. The ability to kip is the first to travel. These effects occur if it ‘s existent of imagined ; it ‘s what we perceive. Suicide and depression can happen. Other serious effects are high blood force per unit area, reflux disease, asthma, ulcers, and megrims. Every twenty-four hours adolescents face state of affairss that can be nerve-racking, which can develop when the adolescent matures into an grownup. Finding schemes to avoid and command emphasis are good so that the individual can blend a happy life with work. To go stress-free, the individual has to alter their ideas, attitudes, feelings, communicating, response, and fortunes. Physically, adolescents must eat healthy, acquire adequate slumber ( around eight to nine hours ) , and exercising. Adolescents should retrieve to maintain thoughts into position and be optimistic. Surrounding themselves with good friends, a good degree of activities, and adequate clip to acquire school work done is indispensable.Each twenty-four hours emphasis builds up in a adolescent ‘s life, which can be negative as this carries into their maturity. Once the encephalon understands that danger is gone, all of the symptoms of emphasis are gone. Sadly, some do non recognize that the danger is gone, whic h can develop into serious jobs. Most adolescents suffer from emphasis and demand to larn how to pull off their emphasis in order to turn healthy in the ever-changing, nerve-racking universe. Exercise is a great manner to relieve emphasis. Exercise gives us the chance to acquire up and travel. Physical fittingness leads to greater assurance and self-denial ( Stephens, 1988 ) . Exercise besides lowers blood force per unit area while increasing our ability to cover with emphasis ( Ford, 2002 ) . Unfortunately, many of us bypass day-to-day exercising because we think we need to run five stat mis a twenty-four hours to do a difference. Not true. Even a 10 minute walk increases energy degrees and lowers tenseness ( Thayer, 1987, 1993 ) . There are many grounds why exercising can take to a decrease in emphasis: Exercise increases the end product of the mood-boosting chemicals your nervous system produces ( Jacobs, 1994 ) . Exercise enhances your cognitive abilities, such as memory, to some grade ( Etniers & A ; others, 1997 ) . Exercise lowers your blood force per unit area ( Perkins & A ; others, 1986 ) . Exercise has side effects, such as better slumber, that provide an emoti onal benefit. Regular exercising cuts bosom onslaught hazard in half ( Powell & A ; others, 1987 ) and increases length of service by every bit much as 2 old ages ( Paffenbarger & A ; others, 1986 ) . So after a busy agenda or a exhausting twenty-four hours on the occupation, why non travel acquire a motorcycle and running places? Your household, and friends, can surprisingly besides lead to better emphasis direction and header. A research survey done by Warr & A ; Payne in 1982 has concluded that a batch of things, one being that people who are accompanied by friends and/or household during difficult times expressed feelings of felicity while these events were taking topographic point. It should n't take a scientific survey to demo that environing yourself with supportive household, friends and colleagues can hold a positive consequence on your mental well-being, but there ‘s plentifulness of research to corroborate it. Because people are societal existences, societal support seems to move as a buffer against the effects of emphasis ( Rathus, 2007 ) . There are five definitions of societal support: emotional concern, instrument assistance, information, assessment, and socialising ( Rathus, 2007 ) . Research shows that the construct of societal support does in fact aid people cope with emphasis and in bend reduces the hazard of wellness jobs that could be the consequence of emphasis on the organic structure ( Rathus, 2007 ) . The more societal support you have, the less emphasis will hold an chance to impact you in a negative manner ( Rathus, 2007 ) . Another manner to acquire around emphasis is to seek and do some alterations in your agenda. Make certain you have a lunch period, and surely a free period to acquire some of your prep out of the manner. Try remaining in the library or even an empty schoolroom if you are allowed to after school. Sometimes you might hold better concentration if you work in a different topographic point. If you have tonss of big leagues, see dropping one. Travel down degrees in some of your categories or take easier 1s wholly. Take some of your nucleus categories during summer school to liberate up clip during the twelvemonth. Summer school categories are more set back and more merriment than you ‘d believe. Stress is inevitable, but unhealthy responses to it are non. When face with a stressor, such as a level tyre on your manner to school or work, how do you react? Is the level tyre a menace? â€Å"I ‘ll ne'er be able to repair this! This sucks! Or is it a challenge? â€Å"I can manage this. Let ‘s see, what are my options? Your assessment of the state of affairs is important. If you see the stressor as a menace, you ‘re more likely to panic and stop dead up, doing it more hard to work out your job. If, alternatively, you view the stressor as a challenge, your response will be focused, and you ‘re more likely to get the better of the obstruction ( Pinner, 2005 ) your perceptual experience of the stressor straight affects your emotional responses. The top jocks, the best instructors, and the most effectual leaders seem to boom when faced with what they perceive as a challenge. Optimism besides seems to offer some protection against the effects of emphasis. Compared with their pessimistic opposite numbers ( those with a negative attack to life ) , pupils identified as optimists have stronger immune systems and are less likely to go sick or fatigued during the last month of the semester ( Seligman, 1991 ) . Optimists besides recover more rapidly from bosom surgery than pessimists do, and, when stressed, they register lower blood force per unit area readings ( Segerstrom & A ; others, 1998 ) so, what I ‘m seeking to state here is that a good mentality on the state of affairs would more than likely mean that you would be coming through, unharmed, out of any quandary in your adolescent life. Stress is a cosmopolitan bodily and psychological procedure that we all experience. Stress is non bias to merely the schoolroom, or at place but with this information and the techniques and life styles I have included, you may happen yourself closer to psychological Utopia than of all time before on the occupation, or off.

Monday, September 16, 2019

An Analysis of Freud’s Critique of Religion Essay

In his book Future of an Illusion, Sigmund Freud critique uses his method of psychoanalysis on religion. By comparing the relationship between human and religion to that of a child and his parents Freud effectively demonstrates that religion is a product of the human mind. After exposing religion as a an illusion Freud concludes that humanity will be better off when it has forgone religion. This paper will argue that Freud’s assertion that religion is an illusion is correct because of it’s blatantly traceable evolution through the history of the human civilization and psyche. The first argument that Freud makes in his assault on religion regards civilization. Freud argues that human civilization arose as a result of mankind’s needs to protect itself from nature. â€Å"It was precisely because of these dangers with which nature threatens us that we came together and created civilization.† (Freud 19) As a result of the need for organization and manpower to prepare defenses against nature, the instincts of men had to be controlled. He furthers this argument by saying that two human traits, laziness and the unwilling nature of the masses to listen to reason are responsible for the necessity of the rule of law. Freud then describes the various methods of coercion that can be employed by civilization to halt instinctual privation. The most important of which he points out as being religion. The main reasons that Freud ranks religion as being/having been the most important tool in civilization are it’s ability to explain the various inequities and inexplicable phenomena that afflict human civilization. Freud points out how ancient civilizations used religion to â€Å"humanize† nature. By making these natural terrors beings that could be dealt with just like men it allowed people the chance to react to and have the illusion of influence on nature. He also illuminates with slight sarcasm how convenient religion is in it’s ability to rectify all the trials and tribulations of life for us. â€Å"Everything that happens in this world is an expression of the intentions of an intelligence superior to us, which in the end, though its ways and byways are difficult to follow, orders everything for the best.† (Freud 23) The existence of this divine creature who creates justice for us ensures that the masses will not stray from the laws and tenets of religion  and society for fear of being judged by this entity. Religion is also valuable to civilization for it’s ability to explain death. Thanks to religion, death became something other than simply the termination of a life. Death stopped being the end and was recasted into the role of a doorway to another existence. As though knowing that the continuation of life were not enough, religion furthers it’s own appeal by promising that the afterlife will be better than life on Earth. The afterlife itself also serves a function as well. A desire to gain entry into this afterlife will cause many of the masses to renounce their instincts. Another argument Freud makes is how religion is an attempt to fill in the gaps where civilization and the pursuit of life cannot make individuals happy. He says that, â€Å"The urge to rectify the shortcomings of civilization which made themselves painfully felt† is fulfilled by religion. (Freud 27) This can be seen throughout modern society in many different forms. It is telling that quite often individuals who are extremely ill, paralyzed, poor, or otherwise frowned upon by civilization and culture tend to be more religious. Later Freud turns his argument to the legal historical proof surrounding religions. Using an analogy of a child learning geography and simply accepting on faith that the places he sees on a map exist rather than going on a journey around the world, Freud attacks religious doctrines. He does this by pointing out that though the child takes on faith what he sees on the map, he could take a journey around the world and see for himself that these places indeed exist. He then applies this same manner of thinking to religious doctrines when he asks what these kind of claims these doctrines are founded on and why we should believe them? The answers he says are that they were believed by our ancestors and that it is forbidden to question them. Freud points out that it is the latter point which highlights society’s own awareness of â€Å"the insecurity of the claim it makes on behalf of its religious doctrines.† (Freud 33) The own paranoia that religions have of even questioned shows how much they realize that their beliefs do not follow reason. As Freud shows us the early church recognized this all too well when it instituted a doctrine that maintained that religious doctrines  do fall under the microscope of reason. The most common religious document of all time, The Bible, holds a particular Proverb that further illustrates the paranoia or religion against reason. â€Å"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding†. (Proverbs 3:5) Another important concept that Freud uses to critique religion can be found in his broad background in psychology. He alludes greatly the Oedipus complex in his dealings with God and the individual. According to Freud, humankind is similar to a child who needs to be protected and supported in his/her everyday life, thus he/she sees God as supportive, protective father. Freud gives his own theories far too much justice in this regard. One does not need to regard God as a father-figure to believe in him. There are many people who believe in God but do not accept God as a beneficent omnipotent being. However, we cannot say that Freud in his genius could not apply psychoanalysis to these other divinations of God and rectify them to individual situations. Freud’s best argument in favor of religion’s existence as an illusion is when he describes the convenient nature of religion to particular times of civilization. Freud says that we know approximately at what periods and by what kind of men religious doctrines were created. He also argues that it is very telling how religion tells us almost exactly what we want to hear. â€Å"We shall tell ourselves that it would be very nice if there were a God who created the world and was a benevolent providence, and if there were a moral order in the universe and an afterlife; but it is a very striking fact that all this is exactly as we are bound to wish it to be.† (Freud 42) Freud’s assertion that religions are in fact illusions created to deceive men into reunouncing their instincts for the advancement of civilization is based entirely on generalizations about all religions. These generalizations, however, can be well supported when one looks back throughout history. Religion could easily be compared to a chameleon that changes it’s color to fit whatever the needs of civilization are to survive. It is ironic that religion can be traced throughout history as being so adaptable given the intransigent foundations of religion. Whether or not religions really are illusions as Freud’s ultimate conclusion states, there is undoubtedly a clear link between religion and the evolution of civilization. A fantastic example of religion changing it’s color in order to better fit the evolution of civilization can be seen in the ancient Order of the Knights of the Temple Mount or Knights Templar. The Knights Templar in the middle ages were created to be the shock troops for Europe’s holy war against the infidels. When this war was lost and the military arm of the knights were no longer needed, the organization was systematically eliminated. It’s leaders were charged with heresy and killed and it’s wealth was confiscated, simply because the organizations purpose no longer coincide with church doctrine. Another great example of religious adaptability can be seen in the evolution of Christianity in Rome. As the old religions in Rome were in decline and material decadence had taken over, Christianity appeared over the horizon as one of the saving graces of the Roman empire. As the threat from barbarians grew in on the empire’s borders grew, so did Christianity place in Rome. It was eventually elevated to being the state religion under the empire Diocletian. Even Christianity would not be able to save Rome from the barbarian hordes. In their hour of defeat Romans were undoubtedly able to pray and ask for salvation from Christ. It is interesting that such a doctrine would arise shortly before a time of annihilation. Finally, it is important to note the role of religion in capitalism. Capitalism, as pointed out by Marx, is a vastly unfavorable system of economy for many people. While some would argue that it allows people the freedom make their own destinies, others would say that capitalism traps some in a cycle of poverty. Either way, those who are born poor are in a highly disadvantaged situation to those who are rich. That is, in this world. With religion and the afterlife, all are on an equal playing field. In fact, the poor even have quite an advantage. â€Å"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God† (Matthew 19:24). This type of thinking has been fundamental for the stability of capitalism throughout history. No amount of earthly wealth  could ever compare to the golden paved streets of heaven and eternal bliss. Freud’s critique of religion demonstrates the disturbing correlations between religion and civilization and shows us the true motives behind religions existence. Freud proves that religion was a product of the human necessity to protect itself from nature and the need that arose from there to stop our own instincts from destroying our creations. In conclusion, Freud disproved the claims of religious doctrines as being divinely originated, but he did not disprove God. His belief that it was time for civilization to grow up from religion may be correct but it will never happen. Religion is far too embedded in civilization to ever be removed by simply showing the educated it’s true purpose. Like life on this planet, religion has adapted to whatever environment our 8000 year old civilization has placed it. Even if everyone knew religion to be nothing but an illusion, that knowledge alone would not be enough to make that illusion disappear from the psyche of humanity. People would have to have a conscious desire to not believe in religion for it to be eliminated. This desire to discover the truth would be outweighed by the desire of a majority of humanity to rectify the inexplicable world of death and injustice to their own lives.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Changes for school

My alarm awakens me as a reminder to wake up to go to the most amazing place, School. School is like an amusement park, full of Joy and excitement. A place where every person dreams to go! Now time to really wake up and get to reality. School is the total opposite and If I had the chance to make changes to It, It would BEA number of things. There are many changes that I would Like to make to my school, but one thing would focus on changing would be the lunch.To start off, the amount of time we eve for lunch isn't even enough to take a bite out of your food after buying It. With a little more time for lunch I would be a lot more satisfied being able to finish my food. Another change I would make to the lunch would be the seating. With such a big school and an excessive amount of students there should be more tables and seats where we can eat comfortable without planning or rushing for a seat. The pizza Is another change I would make, I would Like to enjoy I nice tasting pizza Instead eating a pizza that taste like cardboard.Lunch would be so much better with this change on the lunch and result on kids actually wanting to come to school. Although we can't magically make changes to the school, I would want to change the number of students at the school. With so many students attending Ferguson the help in the offices are so hard to get through. For example, when you need to go excuse your absence it looks like they are giving stuff away! Another problem with the massive amount of students is the little time we get to walk in between classes.We et five minutes to play a little game of football to tackle your way through people and get to your class that feels like its yards always! Dismissal is a mess with bumper to bumper traffic and crowds of students crossing the streets. Maybe with a few less people school before, during, and after, wouldn't be such a hassle. If someone gave me the option to change something about my school, definitely it would be the schedule. Five days a week? That's way too much after the third day of school we are all exhausted and ready to drop dead!We spend way too much time at school, eight hours is a lot! Coming up with new hours and days for school would be a good idea. The sun isn't even out by the time we wake up, that's why we should start school at twelve in the afternoon so teachers won't complain anymore that students are falling asleep in class. Changing the school schedule would certainly be something to think about. After explaining my reasonable changes that should be made to the school, now they should be considered into effective regulations In the future.With a better lunch environment, an average number of students and a more comfortable schedule I think going to school would actually be a fun place where students want to be everyday! Now that would lead to many successful people In the next generation! Changes for school By Christianizing reality. School is the total opposite and if I had the chanc e to make changes to it, it would be a number of things. There are many changes that I would like to make to my school, but one thing I have for lunch isn't even enough to take a bite out of your food after buying it.With a here we can eat comfortable without planning or rushing for a seat. The pizza is another change I would make, I would like to enjoy I nice tasting pizza instead eating Although we can't magically make changes to the school, I would want to change to bumper traffic and crowds of students crossing the streets. Maybe with a few less a good idea. The sun isn't even out by the time we wake up, that's why we should they should be considered into effective regulations in the future. With a better lunch everyday! Now that would lead to many successful people in the next generation!

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Online Teacing vs. Classroom Teaching Essay

Although it is very traditional for teachers to teach in a classroom, online teaching is rapidly becoming a very important factor in most colleges. Even though teaching in a classroom has its advantages, online teaching also has its advantages as well. Me personally, I would prefer to be in a classroom with an instructor teaching a class. This is because many individuals feel a stronger connection with their teachers and classmates when they are able to interact face to face. It benefits many individuals to see good teaching practices being demonstrated by their own teachers. Teachers can also evaluate the different ways individuals are able to communicate. Also, students are trained hands-on according to the standards and regulations of their state, and can be confident of meeting their state’s requirements. Online classes are gaining more and more legitimacy and are fast becoming a legitimate alternative to traditional classes. It’s a great asset because all students are required to participate in the class, and participation can be measured objectively. Therefore, nobody can skulk in the back of the room and not talk or dominate the conversation. Classes can also be taken from anywhere that has computer access, so people don’t have to put off their education because of distractions or lack of school access. Online courses emphasize reading, writing and discussion elements that are proven to be effective, and that students can use in their own classrooms. Students can do their classes and coursework at any time that is convenient, especially when traditional classes don’t meet. Plus in today’s society computer literacy is more and more a requirement on many jobs and in some classroom settings and online classes requires that students become computer literate. Online classes tend to train future workers for general requirements that are accepted in every state. A student might be trained for certification in almost any state by taking online classes. The question of online teaching programs versus traditional teaching programs isn’t usually a question of which offers the better education, but which education serves the student’s needs better. For those looking to be in that classroom environment, traditional might be better, but for those who have concerns over distance, convenience, or class participation, online classes may provide a solution that works for everyone.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Documentation control Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words

Documentation control - Research Paper Example on control can be the usage and preparation of the documents for the safe operations within the organization, contingency planning, quality maintenance and overall functions and services which are required to be handled in the due manner. This paper looks into the nature of control documents, the advantages served by them, the pre requisites attached to them with regard to their handling and better services and outputs extractions, followed by the issues faced and the measures needed to be ensured in order to make vital and effective use of control documents. Documentation is being kept and prepared by the management team and the technical analysis team who create the company policies, rules and regulations, standard operating procedures, rules of engagement, and other policies pertinent to the dealing and exchange with the companies and stakeholders along with the regulatory authorities, government and competitors in the market. The documents are usually present in the human resource department and at the same time part of it can be made available on the website with the due consideration of the fact that the private and company related important information may not be shared or spread with the outside sources on a public platform such as company’s official website. Documentation is the process of making an activity and process official and bringing it under the record for present validation, future consideration and potential improvement in longer run. Documentation may be kept in the soft or hard retrieval section (Professional & Cochran, 20). The document is a collection of activities that are underpinned in a recorded way which allows for following a clear strategy based on the present processes and future planning and path that must be followed in order to maintain quality and earn the customers satisfaction. The document control function must make use of the presently in use documents and it must be ensured that the irrelevant and the data that may not

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Zionism and the Negation of the Diaspora Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Zionism and the Negation of the Diaspora - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the concept of the negation of the Diaspora was a slogan that showed a negative attitude toward the Diaspora. It was commonly supported by the Zionists who suggested that solutions to the national problem can be found beyond the Diaspora. This position of the Zionists reflected a negative attitude towards Diaspora or exile, which is an objective attitude because it relates to the issue itself rather than the reactions of the Zionists. This paper argues that the negation of the Diaspora demonstrates an objective negative attitude that the Zionist Jews had towards Diaspora, and the Zionists demonstrated this slogan by opposing dispersion and advocating for the establishment of Jewish State in the historic homeland of the Jews. This slogan was demonstrated through the acts and thoughts of Zionists. Zionism rose as a movement of the Jews in the western world that fought for the Jewish rights and unity after being dispersed and alienated in foreign lands for a long time. Zionism considered religious mechanisms essential to revive and foster a national consciousness of Jews. They were concerned with the establishment of the Jewish solution to the Jewish problem. Zionism is also considered as a movement that supported the establishment of a Jewish state in the Jewish historic homeland in early 20th century. Zionists existed in different groups, but they all had common thoughts for the Jews.